🤠Conditional Statement

if statement

An "if statement" is written with the if keyword, and it is used to specify a block of code to be executed if a condition is TRUE:

if (condition){
    # Statements

else if Statement

The else if keyword is R's way of saying "if the previous conditions were not true, then try this condition".

NOTE: We can add as many else if condition as we need.

if (condition){
    # Statements
} else if (condition_2){
    # Statements_2
} else if (condition_3){
    # Statements_3
} ## Add as much "else if" as you need.

else Statement

The else keyword catches anything that isn't caught by the preceding conditions:

if (condition){
    # Statements
} else if (condition_2){
    # Statements_2
} else {
    # Last Statement

You can also use else without else if:

if (condition){
    # Statements
} else {
    # Last Statement

Nested if Statement

You can also have if statements inside if statements, this is called nested if statements.

if (condition){
  if (condition2){
    # Statement
  else {
    # Statement2
else {
  # Statement3

switch case Statement

Switch case statements are a substitute for long if statements that compare a variable to several integral values. switch case in R is a multiway branch statement. It allows a variable to be tested for equality against a list of values.

The switch statement follows the approach of mapping and searching over a list of values. If there is more than one match for a specific value, then the switch statement will return the first match found of the value matched with the expression.

# Simple syntax
switch(expression, case1, case2, case3....)

# Syntax in Details
switch (expression,
        "case 1" = Execute when the expression result matches case 1,
        "case 2" = Execute when the expression result matches case 2,
        "case 3" = When the expression result matches case 3, Execute these,
        "case N" = When the expression result matches case N, Execute these lines,
        Default Statements

Here, the expression is matched with the list of values and the corresponding value is returned.

  • The expression value should be either integer or characters (We can write the expression as n/2 also, but the result should be an integer or convertible integer).

  • An R Switch statement allows us to add a default statement. The default statements will be executed if the Expression value or the Index_Position does not match any of the cases.

  • The first matching statement will be returned if there is more than one match.


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